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Our last pyjamas have no pockets 

"In the end, our last pyjamas have no pockets, reminding us that what truly matters is the legacy we leave behind."


"a pair of pyjamas" /

a loose-fitting jacket

and trousers for sleeping in.


At The Last Pyjamas Club, we're committed to probing these four pivotal inquiries:

  1. How am I navigating today's turbulent VUCA world?

  2. What steps can I take to elevate my leadership, both personally and organizationally?

  3. How do I infuse the essence of "FLOW" into all aspects of my life for optimal performance and fulfillment?

  4. Given that our final pyjamas lack pockets, what enduring legacy do I aspire to leave behind?



Are you searching how to lead your life or business in a future ready and meaningful way ? Have you drifted away from your initial vision, or has the relentless pace of society in this VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) thrown you off course, leaving you with a mind full of questions? At The Last Pyjamas Club ©, we bring together individuals, entrepreneurs and organisations, young and old who share similar stories but still harbor the determination to grow and emerge stronger from their experiences. We gather in unique, natural, awe-inspiring locations, aiming to carve out time for the crucial process of reconnecting—with ourselves, each other, and nature. We learn, train, coach and grow together to a  place where we can find hope for the future. This is the starting point of our collective journey toward remembrance...

The Meaning of life is to find your gift. 

The Purpose of life is to give it away.

Philip McKernan




a small bag that is sewed or inserted in a garment so that it is open at the top or side


Step into our exclusive "Back to Nature" weeklong retreats, meticulously curated at the intersection of cutting-edge science and the magic of maybe.


This three-part journey promises to redefine your life while empowering both you and your organization for the ever-evolving future.


Module 1: Establishing Safety, Cultivating Connection, Discovering Hope and Healing, and Building Resilience for the Future.


Module 2: Mastering the Fundamentals of Leadership.


Module 3: Elevating to the Next Level by Integrating Flow

into Your Personal Life and Organization.


Spread across three weeks throughout the year, immerse yourself in unique natural environments designed to heal, challenge, educate, and elevate you.

This is your pathway to self-actualization!







At The Last Pyjamas Club, we embrace both hard science and the magic of "maybe." This is why we exclusively gather in live events, extracting you from your usual surroundings and immersing you in an environment that encourages novelty and allows you to take a break. ​ Beyond discovering more about yourself and your fellow travelers on this transformative journey, we will guide you in making your neurobiology work for you instead of against you. Unveiling the mechanisms that may hinder your growth, we aim to empower you with insights. ​ Our teachings extend from redefining what an abundant life might mean, to leadership skills for the future and the magic of Flow,  imparting various tools that help shift you towards growth and self actualisation. We will be challenging your perspective on your life, your business and the world.  You will re-shape your mindset and leadership skills for the world of tomorrow.

We’ve spent so long meticulously collecting the stories of our grief, and using them as a shield against showing up fully, that when it comes time to toss them on the fire, we often hesitate.”
                                                                                                      Jamie Wheal



an organization of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities.

Today's world may hardly make sense to you. One side is doing research on longevity, the other side seems to be destroying the planet at an ever increasing pace.. 


Sorry to say, we could not find an easy fix for this, no magical button to solve this awkward vision on our future.. 


But what will you do, sit down and wait till it's all over? Or learn to shift your life's perspective, build resilience, cultivate flow, boost your capacity to connect and lead,  and create a life worth living for you and spaceship earth...


There is nothing we can take away to the afterlife so it seems... 


For us it means, considering today, what legacy we will leave behind tomorrow.  

What does it mean for you?

Because after all,


                       "Our Last Pyjamas Have No Pockets...."

The Summit is for the ego
The journey is for the soul

Over the past 15 years, we have delved into the latest science and subsience of Positive Psychology, Neurobiology, Flow, Leadership, Polyvagal Theory, HRV, Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Polarity, EFT, Psych-K, Matrix, and many more. We chose to be trained by the best. We have the tools and skills to help you take control of your life and organization. 

Are you able to step out of your fears and take control of your life? 


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Bart Adriaensen


Birgit Walreat

Event Manager

Course creator

Marc Verheyen


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